Partner Dialogue and Steering Committee: What is Needed for City Transformation

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Partner Dialogue and Steering Committee: What is Needed for City Transformation hosted by Mayors 4 Economic Growth on 27th-28th February 2023 in Istanbul. 

This Partner Dialogue under M4EG leans on and is a direct effect of previous dialogues between the EU and UNDP on working in complexity in February and May 2020, and again in October 2021. These dialogues ask what is needed to support urban transformation and modernisation in the face of the complex challenges such as COVID-19, climate change and inequalities that continuously evolve. Addressing them separately and with pre-existing solutions, which may have worked in a different context, is insufficient. These new approach­es require embracing uncertainty and discovery, building partnerships based on trust, honesty and openness, learning and iterating together.

With the intention to move beyond a monitoring mindset of a development project approach, a partner dialogue is added to the standard steering function of the M4EG, and which is asking: what are we seeing so far of needs and opportunities and where do we go from here to scale capabilities, partnerships, and funds?

Find more information, here.

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