Meet the 112 Mission Cities paving the way to climate neutrality by 2030.
On 28 April 2022, the European Commission announced the 112 cities selected to participate in the EU Mission for 100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030, also known as the Cities Mission. The designated cities, 100 coming from all 27 EU countries and 12 coming from Horizon Europe associated countries, are receiving tailor-made advice and support from the Mission Platform, managed by NetZeroCities, to reach climate neutrality by 2030 and inspire other cities to follow suit by 2050.
112 Mission Cities
35 Countries
Towards Climate Neutrality by 2030
Eindhoven & Helmond, Netherlands

©Wikipedia|Rosemoon|CC BY-SA 3.0|2012|Philips Light Tower Eindhoven
Gabrovo, Bulgaria

©Wikipedia|Plamen Agov studiolemontree|CC BY-SA 3.0|2010|Gabrovo Town Hall
Suceava, Romania

©Wikipedia|Tomescu Cezar Valentin|CC BY-SA 4.0|2009|Suceava Town Centre