Policy Labs, facilitated by NetZeroCities, explore a variety of pressing issues such as climate finance and investment, nature conservation, renewable energy, building renovation, decarbonisation of industry and sustainable transport. These sessions adopt a city-centric approach, fostering collaboration between Mission Cities representatives and EU Thematic Policy Experts. The outcome of these policy labs is the creation of Mission Cities’ Policy Briefs which offer a comprehensive set of policy recommendations aimed at EU decision-makers and national authorities.


Download the public deliverables of the NetZeroCities project from NetZeroCities, SGA-NZC, and SGA2-NZC.



  • D1.1 – Climate City Contract Annual Trends Report V1
  • D1.2 – Climate City Contract Annual Trends Report V2
  • D1.3 – Climate City Contract Annual Trends Report V3
  • D1.4 – Climate City Contract Case Studies Anthology V1
  • D1.5 – Climate City Contract Case Studies Anthology V2
  • D1.6 – NZC Climate Investment Model
  • D1.7 – NZC Climate Investment User Guide
  • D1.8 – Assessment of the Investment Model and User Guide
  • D1.9 – CCC Resource Pack 2.0
  • D1.10 – CCC Resource Pack 3.0
  • D1.11 – CCC Mission Label Progress Report
  • D2.1 – Model for coherent implementation of work at local level
  • D2.2 – Report of Mission City Support v1
  • D2.3 – Report of Mission City Support v2
  • D2.4 – Support Needs Assessment Programme (SNAP)
  • D2.5 – Report of support needs, barriers and enablers of second wave and all cities
  • D2.6 – Handbook on city support groups, thematic working groups and sprint groups
  • D2.7 – Process for implementation and Delivery of New Services
  • D2.8 – Methodology for scaling of services through replication and digitalisation
  • D2.9 – Pilot Cities Core support allocation and matching methodology
  • D2.10 – Baseline Analysis of the Current State of Climate Investment for Cities
  • D2.11 – Review report on the support and services provided to Mission, Pilot and second wave Cities
  • D3.1 – SGA-NZC Pilot Cities Programme Deployment Plan
  • D3.2 – Pilot Cities Programme Call 1 Guidelines
  • D3.3 – Pilot Cities Programme Call 2 Guidelines
  • D3.4 – Pilot Cities Programme Call 3 Guidelines
  • D3.5 – Overview Pilot Cities Programme Calls and in-take analysis
  • D3.6 – Bootcamp Programme Design and City Support Methodology
  • D3.7 – Final report – CESF Requests and Deployment
  • D3.8 – Final Report – Pilot Cities Programme Portfolio Learning, Impact, Insights
  • D3.9 – Final Report – Pilot Cities Programme FSTP Delivery
  • D3.10 – Final Report – Bootcamp and Core Support Service Delivery
  • D4.1 – Learning vision and framework
  • D4.2 – Learning vision and framework V2
  • D4.3 – Year 1 Capacity and Capability Building Programme
  • D4.4 – Year 2 Capacity and Capability Building Programme
  • D4.5 – Year 3 Capacity and Capability Building Programme
  • D4.6 – Proceedings and Lessons Learnt from Summer Schools 1 & 2
  • D4.7 – Proceedings and Lessons Learnt from Summer Schools 3 & 4
  • D4.8 – Mid-Project Insights Report: P2P learning for Mission and Pilot Cities
  • D4.9 – Insights Report: P2P learning and sensemaking for Mission Pilot Cities
  • D4.10 – Methodology and tools for GHG & economic accounting
  • D4.11 – Lessons learnt from application of the Methodology and Tools for GHG and Economic Accounting
  • D4.12 – Scaled twinning programme report
  • D4.13 – Lessons learnt from Pilot Cities & agile city support
  • D4.14 – Anticipation, Horizon Scanning & Foresight Report v1
  • D4.15 – Scenarios for desirable futures
  • D4.16 – Anticipation, Horizon Scanning & Foresight Report v2
  • D4.17 – Recommendations from dialogues between Mission cities and EU
  • D5.1 – Updated Design and Specification for the Portal
  • D6.1 – Landscape report of net zero partnerships, initiatives and projects
  • D6.2 – Framework Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
  • D6.3 – Report on signed MoUs
  • D6.4 – Periodic reports on structured policy dialogue and mutual learning
  • D6.5 – Report on standards for climateneutral cities
  • D6.6 – Report on support frameworks for effective national networks and platforms
  • D6.7 – Policy, governance labs report (end of programme)
  • D7.1 – Initial Feasibility Analysis on the Hub
  • D7.2 – Definition of the key characteristics of the Hub
  • D7.3 – Definition of the Hub’s protocol of interactions with cities & stakeholders
  • D7.4 – Technical Assistance Programme Strategy and Method Statement
  • D7.5 – Capital Facilitation Programme Strategy and Method Statement
  • D7.6 – Synthesis Report the Cities Mission Capital Hub
  • D8.1 – Governance and Process Strategy
  • D8.2 – Data Management Plan
  • D8.3 – Terms of reference of Committees
  • D8.4 – Challenge-based, Innovation Lab periodic reports
  • D8.5 – City Expert Support Facility Internal Guide
  • D8.6 – Project Carbon Footprint report
  • D8.7 – Community of Practice Method Statement
  • D8.8 – Overview of the resources implementation Y1
  • D8.9 – Overview of the resources implementation Y2
  • D8.10 – Overview of the resources implementation Y3
  • D9.1 – Dissemination and communication plan
  • D9.2 – Internal Communication Strategy
  • D9.3 – Proceedings of 2024 NZC Conference
  • D9.4 – Exploitation strategy
  • D9.5 – Report on Exploitation strategy


  • D1.1 – Non-Mission City Needs & Pathways – First Report
  • D1.2 – Non-Mission City Needs & Pathways – Annual Update
  • D1.3 – Non-Mission City Needs & Pathways – Second Annual Update
  • D1.4 – Non-Mission City Needs & Pathways – Final Report
  • D1.5 – Design of Non-Mission City Portal User Experience and Customer Journeys
  • D1.6 – Summary report on new portal content for Non-Mission Cities
  • D1.7 – Second Summary report on new portal content for Non-Mission Cities
  • D1.8 – Non-Mission City Portal Usage & User Satisfaction Report
  • D1.9 – Second Non-Mission City Portal Usage & User Satisfaction Report
  • D1.10 – Gap analysis of Capability Building programme
  • D1.11 – Summary report on new content for capability building
  • D1.12 – Second Summary report on new content for capability building
  • D1.13 – Design of Accredited Online Hybrid Course for Civil Servants
  • D1.14 – Summary report on status and activity of the online peer groups
  • D1.15 – Second Summary report on status and activity of the online peer groups
  • D1.16 – Progress report on the study visits
  • D1.17 – Second Progress report on the study visits
  • D1.18 – Report on the design of the twinning programme
  • D1.19 – Final report on twinning programme
  • D1.20 – Gap Analysis Report and Detailed Workplan
  • D1.21 – Summary report on peercollaboration at sub-european level
  • D1.22 – Second Summary report on peercollaboration at sub-european level
  • D1.23 – Strategic findings of working with Non-Mission Cities – First Report
  • D1.24 – Strategic findings of working with Non-Mission Cities – Updated Report

D2.1 – Role Description of CFS

D2.2 – City Needs assessment report

D2.3 – Interim report specifying recommendations for tailor made IPs

D2.4 – Final report specifying all recommendations for tailor made IPs

D2.5 – Report on completeness check

D2.6 – Finance Expert Support Facility Process and Governance Strategy

D2.7 – Summary report of all completeness checks delivered for IPs

D2.8 – Training Materials and methodology for delivery including modular breakdown

D2.9 – Summary of CFS learnings from feedback loops in T2.2. (initial findings)

D2.10 – Summary of CFS learnings from feedback loops in T2.2. (consolidated findings)

D2.11 – City Finance Framework Tool

D2.12 – Report and interim report summarising projects supported

D2.13 – Report and interim report summarising projects developed

D2.14 – Training materials for cities on attracting private capital

D2.15 – Review of learnings and city feedback following workshops and roundtables

D2.16 – Spreadsheet mapping of available public sources of capital at the EU, national and regional level

D2.17 – Report outlining IP-compatibility with a comprehensive list of different public sources of capital

D2.18 – Report on Connectivity Between Public Funding Options, Potential Obstacles, and offsetting Mitigation Strategies for Investment Plans Report

D2.19 – Report summarising the need for a Special Purpose Vehicle for blended capital

D2.20 – Report outlining IP-combatibility with a comprehensive list of different public sources of capital

D2.21 – Spreadsheet mapping all potential private capital partners at a local, national and international level

D2.22 – Report summarising the engagements with public and private sector sources of capital for the purpose of derisking investible opportunities

D2.23 – Updated Spreadsheet mapping all potential private capital partners at a local, national and international level

D2.24 – Updated Report summarising the engagements with public and private sector sources of capital for the purpose of derisking investible opportunities

  • D3.1 – Governance and Proceed Strategy
  • D3.2 – Data Management Plan
  • D3.3 – Communication, Dissemination, & Exploitation Plan
  • D3.4 – Review of City Advisor Engagement with Mission Cities
  • D3.5 – Proceedings of 2025 Conference
  • D3.6 – CESF Process and Governance Strategy
  • D3.7 – Report on CESF Deployment
  • D3.8 – Non Mission City Impact Metrics and MEL Methodology
  • D3.9 – Guidance on Scope 3 Emissions
  • D3.10 – Update of NZC, SGA1-NZC and SGA2-NZC Methodologies and Tools for GHG and Economic Accounting
  • D3.11 – Data Management Plan Version 2
  • D3.12 – Data Management Plan Version 3
  • D3.13 – Data Management Plan Version 4
  • D3.14 – Communication, Dissemination, & Exploitation Plan Version 2
  • D3.15 – Final Report on Communication, Dissemination, & Exploitation
  • D3.16 – Report on Internal Governance andCommunication across WP and across NZC and SGA-NZC Grant Agreements
