About Capucine Pineau

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So far Capucine Pineau has created 3 blog entries.

Upscaling the EU Cities Mission: European Cities and Platforms Unite to Accelerate Climate-Neutrality

2024-07-18T14:14:48+02:00July 16th, 2024|

The Mission Cities of Spain and Sweden, alongside their national platforms citiES2030 and Viable Cities, have launched a Development Declaration aimed at upscaling the EU Cities Mission. This collaborative effort, endorsed by the Romanian Mission Platform M100, aims to propel the 112 Mission Cities towards climate neutrality by 2030, underscoring a unified commitment to achieve the European Green Deal and the Paris Agreement. Key Aspects of the Declaration The Development Declaration underscores the need for further support and resources to ensure the success of Mission Cities in achieving climate neutrality. It advocates for a common strategy on "scaling as the [...]

City Leaders Committed to Driving Urban Climate Transitions: Introducing the Cities Mission Mayors Advisory Group

2024-07-10T12:27:04+02:00July 9th, 2024|

Hot news from the Cities Mission! A Cities Mission Mayors Advisory Group is soon to be inaugurated. This new body will play an essential role in advancing the EU Cities Mission, and will provide city leaders the opportunity to join forces, share insights, and shape the future of urban governance and development.  The Advisory Group will serve as a vital and dynamic forum bringing together 15+ Mission City leaders to engage directly with the European Commission and the Mission Platform, managed by NetZeroCities. The members will be representing Mission Cities to provide strategic advice and feedback, [...]

Empowering all European Cities to Achieve Climate Neutrality by 2050: Answer our Needs Assessment Survey

2024-04-29T16:40:20+02:00April 25th, 2024|

Are you a European city eager to accelerate your transition to climate neutrality? Follow the lead of the 112 Mission cities committed to achieving climate neutrality by 2030! Accelerate your city's climate transition: Join a community of pioneering cities NetZeroCities supports the 112 European cities selected by the European Commission to join the EU Cities Mission in drastically reducing their greenhouse gas emissions to achieve climate neutrality by 2030. We work as a service-oriented platform supported by world-class practitioners to help cities overcome the current structural, institutional, and cultural barriers they face in order to achieve [...]

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