Cities Forum 2023

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The CITIES FORUM is a biennial major event of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy, which brings together key urban stakeholders from European, national, regional and local levels. This year, it will be held 16-17 March in Turin, Italy.

It is the place and moment to exchange on the urban dimension of Cohesion Policy, the Urban Agenda for the EU, the role of cities in implementing the European Green Deal, the EU response to the urban dimension of the 2030 Territorial Agenda, as well as highlight the new EU level initiatives developed in order to support cities.

CITIES FORUM 2023 is a unique opportunity to advance on the recent developments on various EU initiatives and policies offering a more coherent support to cities in implementing sustainable urban development – notably through funding, capacity and knowledge building.

Stakeholders implementing and promoting integrated and sustainable urban development, including cities, regions, umbrella organisations and NGO’s, will contribute to the success of this edition of the CITIES FORUM by being speakers and leading workshops. Additionally, high-level political representatives from all levels of government, from all over Europe, will be invited to participate.

For full event information, click here.

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