Capital idea: How the Climate City Capital Hub aims to make the difference for cities’ climate neutrality goals
“All in all, it often comes to the money questions like, ‘how do we fund our climate work?’” says Elina Ojala, the environmental director of Lahti, Finland. “And there we [...]
Preserving the Past, Building the Future: Budapest’s Climate Challenge
Author: Elisa Abrantes Stories from Pilot Cities: Budapest is one of the 112 cities participating in the EU Mission to deliver 100 climate-neutral and smart cities and the Pilot [...]
Banking on Bristol
Author: Elisa Abrantes Stories from Pilot Cities: Bristol is one of the 112 cities participating in the EU Mission to deliver 100 climate-neutral and smart cities and the Pilot [...]
City Leaders Committed to Driving Urban Climate Transitions: Introducing the Cities Mission Mayors Advisory Group
Hot news from the Cities Mission! A Cities Mission Mayors Advisory Group is soon to be inaugurated. This new body will play an essential role in advancing the EU [...]
Unleashing a Research Agenda for the EU Mission Climate Neutral and Smart Cities: our first event fully focused on research
Are you familiar with the role of research in helping cities to become climate neutral? The event “Unleashing a Research Agenda for the EU Mission Climate Neutral and Smart [...]
That’s a wrap! Key takeaways from the 2024 Cities Mission Conference in Valencia
On June 25 and 26, no fewer than 450 mayors, city practitioners, national and regional representatives, and urban sustainability experts gathered in Valencia, Spain, for the third Cities Mission [...]
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