Deadline: 7 February 2025 (23:59:59 CET)
Through the NetZeroCities City Expert Support Facility, NetZeroCities / Climate-KIC are requesting quotations for the first phase of a planned two-phase analysis to support successful development of district energy services in Padova. This first phase is a district energy screening study, which builds on the district energy directions articulated in Padova’s Climate City Contract. The completion of this screening study will set forth the directions for the City in the anticipated second phase, describe the needed business and technical analyses needed in the second phase along with a budget for that work, and establish a refined and detailed timeline for future analysis and planned system development. The City of Padova will use this screening study to further solidify support among key stakeholders, and to engage and build more advanced understanding for and commitment among political leadership
About the request
This screening study is envisioned to include several elements, each of which serve to help the City determine the appropriate value proposition of and development pathway for district energy in its overall plans. The City and the selected contractor will work with building owners and key stakeholders to determine the scope and scale of energy services along with service territories, narrow down potential concepts for further analysis in the second phase, and present conclusions that are ownership-neutral and technology agnostic. The City will then be able to balance multiple objectives and determine the next steps.
The development of district energy system(s) is one of the central actions of the Padova Climate City Contract. This phase of work, referred to as the “screening study” is essential for the City to properly scope district energy systems for design and development, so understand the development pathways and critical steps, and to ensure energy services customers, property owners and all relevant stakeholders are aware of district energy services and prepared for their subsequent development. This screening study has the following specific elements:
- Assess the scope of energy services to be provided by district energy systems in Padova. While there is clear scope understand the value of heating services (space heating and domestic hot water), the screening will consider projected energy demands to determine if there is potential and a value case for additional services through the district system, including cooling services and primary and emergency power. The screening study will use project demand to galvanise a clear understanding among all parties.
- Develop technical concepts (two or three, depending on their alignment with Padova’s climate objectives) for the City of determine next steps and to establish the parameters for more detailed analysis following further City direction. In developing these concepts, the service provider selected to complete this screening study will seek to building knowledge and understanding of district energy systems and the anticipated benefits among stakeholders. Further, these concepts will enable estimation of capital requirements for system development and to detail the costs for technical and business analyses needed to finalise decisions for district energy system development.
- This screening study is intended to be “ownership neutral” by considering the life-cycle costs from the end-user perspective without defining who owns or operates the district energy assets at this stage. Decision-making related to ownership will be made after this work is completed as part of the City’s further development work. In addition, the screening study is to support district energy systems that deliver climate-neutral energy services but will seek to be technology agnostic at this stage, at least until further discussions among stakeholders and City leadership to consider the respective contributions to effective climate action. The technical concepts should identify potential technology choices, but this study is not envisioned to determine one preferred solution.
The screening study will be expected to include several aspects to enable informed decision-making on future steps, including determining needs for more in-depth feasibility analyses and business analysis. The screening analysis will:
- Develop a refined demand forecast based on existing and planned development (floor area, occupancy type, energy use), highlighting specific details related to GHG emissions and the City’s climate action commitments.
- Estimate life-cycle costs for providing district energy services based on the demand forecasts, delineating the energy services and the costs for those services to the end-users and to developers. Present an economic analysis of options, noting detailed information will be needed for more precise business case development in future phases of work.
- Characterise relevant physical space considerations based on the defined concepts for district energy.
- Consider variables for sensitivity analysis (OPEX, CAPEX, fuel costs, etc.) and to understand potential optimisation considerations in the technical feasibility and business analysis to follow.
- Discuss system development parameters and critical path elements, including policy and regulatory needs and needed decision-making by the City and other key stakeholders.
- Propose a work plan for subsequent work, so the City can understand and plan for those needs in an effective, transparent, and timely way.
Given the breadth of district energy work across EU Mission Cities, respondents should be prepared to engage in relevant peer-based exchanges among relevant Mission Cities. Further, close interaction with NetZeroCities is envisioned in order to ensure a strategic and sustained support to the City throughout this process.
Through the screening study, it will be possible to connect with district heating systems in areas with the greatest potential; that is, those with high availability of exchangeable thermal energy and without significant technical and regulatory impediments. The study is thus the first step in the effective implementation of this Climate City Contract action.
In addition to the study elements described above, the study should indicate the portions of the territory that can benefit from district heating as a priority, both in terms of the users that can be connected and the provision of thermal distribution systems for these users (demand analysis), and in terms of the development of the networks and the location of the supply plants.
It is anticipated and estimated that ca. 40-60 person days, between March and June 2025, will be required to complete this assignment. Respondents should provide clear time and staffing details, aligned with the timeline and realistic workflows and interactions with the City.
The selected bidder is expected to engage with experts from the NetZeroCities consortium, as well as engaging with the city and its key stakeholders. NetZeroCities experts (who are resourced already and do not have to be represented in a financial offer) are to be engaged (together with the city) on baseline briefings, the overarching strategic approach within which this assignment takes place, as well as for sharing good practices/learning from other cities, where relevant.
Please find all further relevant information including full scope, out of scope, milestones, and all related information below.
Timeline and additional information
Interested parties are invited to submit their proposals by 7 February 2025 (23:59:59 CET) to Radka Reil & Mateusz Hoffmann, CESF Manager []. Proposals should include and address all specific requirements related to the request which can be found below.